Guides New Zealand - Promise and Law

Guiding at all levels has always revolved around the Promise and Law.
The Promise and Law were updated in 2000 and all members of Guides New Zealand except Pippins use the same wording.

The Guide Promise (NZ)

I promise with the help of my God,
to be true to myself,
to do my best to help my country
and to live by the Guide Law

The Guide Law (NZ)

As a guide I will try to -

be honest and trustworthy
be friendly and cheerful
be a good team member
be responsible for what I say and do
respect and help other people
use my time and abilities wisely
face challenges and learn from experiences
and care for the environment.

The Guide Motto (NZ)

Be Prepared


Pippins are the one exception to the above as they do not make a promise or have an enrolment ceremony. They do have a saying that may be used on suitable occasions:

The Pippin Saying (NZ)

Pippins care, so Pippins share with other children everywhere.

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