Senior Troop 923

We are Senior Girl Scout Troop 923 from Thousand Oaks, California. We are in Tres Condados Girl Scout Council, Los Padres Service Unit in Ventura County. Mrs. "H" and Mrs. "W" have been our Leaders for eight years.

We are: Kim, Cassie, Kara, Katie, Kimberly, Tori, Triona, Ann and Claire.

We enjoy tennis, soccer, playing the flute and the piano, Irish Dancing, hockey, reading, ice skating, snow boarding, traveling, shopping, skateboarding, skiing, Marching Band and Colorguard (four of us will be marching in the 1999 Rose Parade on New Year's Day), listening to music, drawing, rollerblading, going to the movies and to the mall. Oh, and we almost forgot, . . . . WE LOVE TO GO . . . . . . .

We completed our Silver Award Project in 1997. We held a camping skills weekend camp out for over one hundred Brownie and Junior Girl Scouts at a State Beach overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. This is one of our favorite campgrounds. We were be presented with our Silver Awards at a ceremony in June '97. It was a lot of hard work, but worth it! We bridged to Seniors in June and we are now Senior Troop 923. We're taking a break before thinking about our Gold Awards.

We donate some of the profits from our cookie sales each year to the Foster Feeder Program at the Santa Barbara Zoo. We are the Foster Feeders of an OTTER. We also delivered holiday "meals on wheels" on Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve to elderly people in our community.

Our Leader loves to collect Council Patches, 85th Anniversary patches, Camp Patches, & Council Pins. She currently has collected all 319 US council patches from all of the fifty states and Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. She also has several international crests and all of the Canadian Provinces and a collection of 85th Anniversary patches. She is now hard at work collecting council pins. Click here to see a list of all 319 US Girl Scout Councils :US Girl Scout Councils

We are in high school in the 9th and 10th grades. We conduct our own Troop meetings and love to plan trips. We have visited Sea World in San Diego, Disneyland, Hearst Castle, Santa Cruz Island and Monterey Bay Aquarium when we camped at Big Sur. We love to go to Big Bear after it's snowed and go white water rafting on the Kern River. We attended an 85th Girl Scout Birthday Celebration in May 1997 in Pomona, California.

Please send us mail.

Senior Troop923

We'd like to share some our favorite links to other scouting websites with you.

WAGGGS-L Cyber Cookbook

MacScouter Dutch Oven Cooking Recipes

Girl Scouts U.S.A.

Cadette Girl Scout Troop 783