Hi from Troop 3481! We are a new Junior Troop at Summit Lane School in
Levittown,Long Island,N.Y. Since we are a new Troop we are all in the
4th grade. So far we have 10 girls in our Troop,but we hope more will
join at registration. This year we plan on sending out our first
mascot, we have her agenda set up and she will start her journey in the
beginning of Oct. She will visit 8 Troops across the States and will
come back to us in early June. We are very excited about her journey.
In Dec. she will be in New Mexico where the hosting Troop will bring
her to see the Luminaries which sound beautiful. And in May (which is
the month we like the best) she will be part of a bridging ceremony of
Juniors to Cadets in which they are going to walk across the Golden
Gate Bridge for there ceremony. Alot of Troops paticipate and sounds
like a wonderful idea. She is going to have a wonderful time..We'll
keep you up to date on her journey..
Troop #3481
Kathy & Laura