Were Troop # 172 from Longmeadow, Ma. with the Pioneer Valley Girl Scout
Council. We are a troop of 14 third graders from Wolf Swamp Road School.We work
on 4 to 5 Tryits a year and like to take many field trips.We are just starting
the mascot program and paired up with another Brownie troop from our local area
to be pen pals with. We will be bridging over to Juniors this year and we are
staring to plan our ceremony. We had a Junior troop help us with our very first
Junior Badge. Everybody had such a great time, that we invited them back in
February for a Valentine's Day party. Our service projects consisted of writing
to members of the Longmeadow Adult Day Care Center and putting on a show for
them to planting spring bulbs at our school. We are looking for more ideas for
this year. Please send us mail.