Hi! We are Troop 1380, a fourth grade Jr. troop in Tigard, Oregon,
(about 15 miles south of Portland). We are Michelle, Katherine, Kelsey,
Samantha, Sarah, Kimmy, Nicole, Kellen, Katie, Kathryn, Carolyn,
Rachael, Emily, Bridgette, Kelly, Cambria, Jordan, Andrea, and Angelina.
Our leaders are Mrs. Y., Mrs. E., Mrs. S., and Mrs. H.
This is our third year together and we have lots of fun. We're starting
our Jr. year out by feeding the homeless in the church where we hold our
meetings. We have also just started a mascot host/hosting program. Our
new mascot, 'Keiko' the Killer Whale, is about to start his journey
around the country.
We'd love to hear from troops around the country!