Mrs. Pruitt

My memory of Girl Scouting started with my two years as a Brownie and my three years as a Cadette Girl Scout. As I grow older I told many friends of my dream to someday be a girl scout leader. Ten years ago my dream came true and I was on my way. I got started when my best friend asked me to lead a Daisy Troop at her church. It was the perfect request for me! My daughter was 5, just the right age to join Girl Scouts and I would be starting with her from the beginning. As I look over the pass ten years I smile when I think of all the fond and enjoyable memories. My first troop of Daisies, with 21 little girls trying to keep up with their energy level and coming up with easy, new, and exciting craft projects each week. (I have always met with my troop once a week for the pass ten years.) The excitement of my Brownie, eager to do all and willing to help each other. Our first cookie sale and earning two consecutive camping weekend. Working on puppets and skits for many world friendship programs. The emergence of creativity, sensitive and desire to belong as they flew up to Juniors. During our Junior years we learned patience, understanding and commitment. Junior level made for very challenging years. At one time we had a troop of 15 girls, grades 3rd, age 8 through grade 6th, age 12 1/2. That year we planned a camping trip and 12 of the girls attended. What a time we had! Before leaving we earned or camping badge but only two of the girls had any real camping experience. It turned out to be our most successful camping trips. Now as Cadettes, with the success of several girls earning their Silver we are planning for our future.

Drop me a line. I would like to hear from you.

*Danyale* *Ja’Nan* *McLinda* *Noelle* *Leader's* *Our Troop* Home