Hi!  We are Junior Troop # 86.  We are from Erie, IL.  Our troop crest is the waterfall because "we are mighty - yet we know how to go with the flow".    For some of us this is the second year together, however we welcomed 14 new girls to our troop this year. We would like to learn about other Girl Scout troops. 

Troop 86

86mailJunior.gif (7337 bytes) Please send us mail.

JR. Troop 86 Erie

86Waterfall.jpg (16782 bytes) Waterfall Symbol of the Royal House of Stuart - it stands for loyalty and challenge.
It was also the crest of the first troop in Savannah GA.

(451 bytes)   86TrefoilC.gif (201 bytes)   86cd-sr04.gif (282 bytes)

Girls are Great!  

86bullet.gif (122 bytes) If you haven't already checked out Girl Scouts U.S.A., then now is your chance.

86bullet1.gif (122 bytes) Another good site is World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

86wingsline.gif (24769 bytes)

86Rocksrule.gif (8081 bytes)