Hello everyone! We are a rising 3rd grade Brownie Troop with 17 members, a leader, 2 co-leaders, and 2 cookie moms. We have been together since Daisys and have had a great time being Girl Scouts. We attend Stockwell Place Elementary, are a part of the Loblolly Pines Service Unit, Pelican Council, Shreveport/Bossier City Area in North Louisiana. We do alot of Community Service work along with our book and badge work. We love to hear from other troops, our goal is to "talk" with someone from as many states and countries as we can. Until next time, With Brownie Smiles, The girls of Troop #357 We can't wait to hear from our sister scouts/guides, please send us e-mail
Troop #357, we will always answer.